The MTL4541P provides a fully-floating dc supply for energising a conventional 2- or 3-wire 4/20mA transmitter which is located in a hazardous area, and repeats the current in another circuit to drive a safearea load. For HART 2-wire transmitters, the unit allows bi-directional communications signals superimposed on the 4/20mA signal. The MTL4541P is a higher power version of the MTL4541B, usable for all gas groups provided that the field equipment is suitably certified.
MTL4500 Series Barriers
Part Number
MTL4501-SR, MTL4504, MTL4510, MTL4510B, MTL4511, MTL4513, MTL4514 (B)(D), MTL4516, MTL4516C, MTL4517, MTL4521, MTL4521L, MTL4523, MTL4523L, MTL4523R, MTL4523V, MTL4523VL, MTL4524, MTL4524S, MTL4525, MTL4526, MTL4531, MTL4532, MTL4533, MTL4541, MTL4541A, MTL4541AS, MTL4541B, MTL4541P, MTL4541S, MTL4541T, MTL4544, MTL4544A, MTL4544AS, MTL4544B, MTL4544D, MTL4544S, MTL4546, MTL4546C, MTL4546S, MTL4546Y, MTL4549, MTL4549C, MTL4549Y, MTL4561, MTL4575, MTL4576-RTD, MTL4576-THC, MTL4581
MTL4500 range
Part Number Description
Digital Input modules
MTL4501-SR, MTL4504, MTL4510, MTL4510B, MTL4511, MTL4513, MTL4514, MTL4514B, MTL4516,
MTL4516C, MTL4517
Digital Output modules
MTL4521, MTL4521L, MTL4523, MTL4523L, MTL4523R, MTL4523V, MTL4523VL, MTL4524,
MTL4524S, MTL4525, MTL4526
Pulse and Vibration modules
MTL4531, MTL4532, MTL4533
Analogue Input modules
MTL4541, MTL4541A, MTL4541AS, MTL4541B, MTL4541P, MTL4541S, MTL4544, MTL4544A,
MTL4544AS, MTL4544B, MTL4544D, MTL4544S
Analogue Output modules
MTL4546, MTL4546C, MTL4546Y, MTL4549, MTL4549C, MTL4549Y
Fire and Smoke Interface modules
Temperature Input modules
MTL4575, MTL4576-RTD, MTL4576-THC, MTL4581
General modules
MTL4599, MTL4599N